I’m Sarah. I’m an executive coach, author and speaker on a mission to grow human-centred leadership.
The official bio
I’m an Executive Coach and Leadership Development specialist. I coach and train CEOs, executives, and senior managers to become high-impact leaders through building self-awareness, practising powerful communication, and building trusting relationships.
Known for being a truth-teller and bringing challenge with a lightness of touch, I enable my clients to develop as authentic leaders with high-performing teams. My own journey has taken her from being an elite athlete, through a corporate career to become an entrepreneur and international speaker.
I have an MA and an MBA from the University of Cambridge and came to coaching from a 15-year career in Management Consulting and Finance, successfully rising to senior leadership positions in both.
I trained with Accomplishment Coaching and I am accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation.
When not coaching, you’ll find me on the river umpiring rowing regattas or lifting heavy things at my local gym. I’m based in London, UK.
The real me
I’m an introvert and a loner.
I’ve felt lonely and isolated.
I’ve struggled to ask for support.
I’ve been harder on myself than anyone else ever could be.
I’ve been crippled by self-doubt.
I reached a point in my early 30s where I was doing my best to convince everyone around me that life was great and I had everything handled, but inside I felt stuck and trapped. I had lost all confidence in my abilities but felt unable to ask for help.
The turning point was finally sharing with a friend how I felt. I was she who said the immortal words: “Have you ever thought of working with a coach?”.
So I did. I discovered the immense power of having people in your corner. I realised I don’t have to do it all by myself. I shifted my perspectives, got into action, and made some big changes. I learnt how to admit when I don’t know. To ask for, and receive, support.
I’ve done the work on myself – and I’m far from a finished product – which has allowed me to forge a different path in life. I’ve set up a successful business, coached clients around the world, and spoken on stages internationally.
Above all I discovered who I am as a leader, and became comfortable with who I’m not. That allowed me to develop and be confident in my own unique flavour of leadership. I became clear on the impact I want to have, and started to communicate authentically and build deeper and stronger relationships.
Why I do what I do
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Professional degrees and certifications
MA from the University of Cambridge
Professional Certified Coach with the ICF
MBA from Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Accomplishment Coaching Certified Coach
See me in action
“Eget vestibulum a felis tempor lobortis per interdum at auctor ut vestibulum senectus massa consectetur vestibulum elit suscipit cubilia parturient libero posuere nostra non lobortis.”
Client name, client role
Small Stuff, Big Impact
Around a core of longer, deeper conversations, a huge proportion of our day-to-day interactions are short, apparently inconsequential. Not interactions into which we put a great deal of thought, planning or intention. Interactions that happen largely on autopilot.
I believe those micro-interactions matter far more than we realise; they impact our success and efficacy as leaders in subtle yet profound ways. They may feel insignificant in the moment, but the cumulative impact is far greater.
And most of us aren’t paying them nearly enough attention.
I want to amplify the conversation around this “small stuff”. It’s why I wrote my book and why I started this Substack.
My fortnightly posts, delivered to your inbox, aim to help you learn about your impact, acknowledge the power you have to influence others, even unintentionally, and use that awareness to become a better leader, and better human.
Join my community
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